"Someone once told me that writing opens the mind and frees the soul." I admit that i've never really been much of a writer, and i don't know that i believe that it's something that i've ever really been good at, but i do believe that there is something about it that can change a person. I was reading through some of my writing from a few years ago and found that quote at the top of one of them. but my question is: what is it that makes writing relaxing and emotionally relieving? what is it that makes writing easier than speaking, especially in sensitive moments? have you ever written a love letter because it was too difficult to tell someone that you loved them? have you every written down your thoughts so that you could really find out what it was that was going through your mind? have you ever typed out your ideas so that you could organize them and think about each one? there is a certain domain of writing that speech cannot access.
Write, that i may know thee.
Write right so solace comes comely as she always does