I would like to direct the attention of all my readers (i think the running total is 4; but oh, what a proud 4 we are!) to a society that i've been a member of for about a year and a half. The Lighted Candle Society was started by a friend of mine who's name is John Harmer. he was the Lieutenant Governor of California under Ronald Reagan and is an attorney by profession. his society's two main purposes are to eradicate pornography through the legal system, and inform the public as to the dangers of pornography in personal life, family life, and to the general public as a whole. in a court of law or in the government legislature, only physical evidence or testimony can be submitted. morality, religion and virtue cannot stand up in court or in the halls of government. because of this, one of the main ways that this society fights against pornography is through studies of the human brain while under the influence of pornography. the society does a number of these scientific studies including PET scans and MRI imaging to bring forth evidence which can be submitted in court in hopes to outlaw the production and distribution of pornographic material. these studies are obviously very expensive, but great progress is being made in the understanding of mental processes and addictive behavior related to pornography. so much new evidence is being brought forth in these studies that many scientist now believe that pornography could be even more addictive than heroin. i encourage all of you to visit the Lighted Candle Society website at www.lightedcandle.org or watch some of their videos on youtube.com to learn how you can help in this war we must win.
So these studies are done by people who PAY people to look at porn. Awesome. Were they pre-porn users, or was this study the first time?